Product description:
Propecia is used for treating certain types of male pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia) in men. Propecia is a steroid reductase inhibitor. It works by reducing the amount of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. This may block certain types of hair loss in men.
Active Ingredient:finasteride
Propecia as known as:Alopec,Alopros,Alsteride,Ambulase,Andofin,Androfin,Andropel,Andropyl,Androstatin,Antiprost,Apeplus,Aprost,Ativol,Avertex,Borealis,Chibro-proscar,Daric,Dilaprost,Eucoprost,Finacapil,Finahair,Finalop,Finamed,Finanorm,Finapil,Finar,Finarid,Finascar,Finaspros,Finaster,Finasterax,Finasterida,Finastéride,Finasteridum,Finasterin,Finastid,Finastir,Finazil,Fincar 5,Finocar,Finol,Finpro,Finpros,Finprostat,Finster,Fintex,Fintral,Fintrid,Finural,Firide,Fisterid,Fisteride,Fistrin,Flaxin,Flutiamik,Folcres,Folister,Fynasid,Gefina,Genaprost,Glopisine,Hyplafin,Kinscar,Lifin,Lopecia,Mostrafin,Nasteril,Nasterol,Penester,Poruxin,Pro-cure,Prohair,Proleak,Pronor,Propeshia,Prosmin,Prostacide,Prostacom,Prostafin,Prostanil,Prostanorm,Prostanovag,Prostarinol,Prostasax,Prostene,Prosterid,Prosterit,Prostide,Q-prost,Recur,Reduprost,Reduscar,Renacidin,Reprostom,Sterakfin,Sutrico,Symasteride,Tealep,Tensen,Tricofarma,Ulgafen,Urototal,Vetiprost,Winfinas,Zasterid,Zerlon
Dosages available:5mg, 1mg
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